Thursday 23 May 2013

Muslims Strike Again!!

When will our governments stand up for the true people of their Nations and defend us against Islam instead of filling our Nation with literally boatloads of these people? Islam is not just a religion but a cult like political system of violence and hate this is not the first time they have attacked our Western Nations and it will not be the last. 9-11, 7-7, The Boston bombing now a decapitation on London streets when will people realize that these people are here to do harm to us and our family's they want Sharia Law they do not want to live in a free society. It’s time to stand up and call on our politicians to send these people back were they came from and if they won’t help us then vote them out of office and put someone in that actually cares about the True Citizens of the Nation.

Please citizens of Canada please write your politicians about reforming our immigration policies and for the deportation of followers of the Sunni/Wahhabi sect of Islam before it is too late because it is just a matter of time before Muslim Jihadists strike Canada.

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